Connections to LOIU AIRPORT from TERMIBUS-BILBAO, from Pamplona and Vitoria-Gasteiz

All the buses from Pamplona to Bilbao and from Vitoria-Gasteiz to Bilbao stop at TERMIBUS-BILBAO from where you can connect to LOIU AIRPORT bus service run by the company BIZKAIBUS (ROUTE 3247) from platform no. 12 in the station.Further information at

The price of a One-way Ticket for those who do not use the contactless BARIK card is €3. It is possible to pay for the ticket by bank card at the Bizkaibus ticket kiosk at the airport.

DEPARTURES from TERMIBUS destination Loiu Airport every 15 minutes from 05.15 to 22.00 hours.Service is daily

DEPARTURES LOIU AIRPORT destination TERMIBUS-BILBAO every 15 minutes from 06.15 to 24.00 hours.Service is daily