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MINIMUM SERVICES FOR 28 and 29 November 2024-General transport strike
On the occasion of the General Strike in the road passenger transport sector convened for the next Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November , the minimum service hours approved by the administration for the different concessions are detailed below. The resolution fixes 30% of the minimum services for the scheduled services, leaving hours on the
We report that quarterly Bidaide Bonds are already on sale for the December/January/February period. Rates published in addition to our discounts contain the 50% discount approved by the administration until December 2024 As was the case last year in the event that discounts are renewed from the Administration for the year 2025, the excess of
Durango>Vitoria, in Legutio stop change on 18 and 19 November
On the occasion of the works contemplated in the “Project for the construction of the variant of Legutio on the highway A-2620 and connection with the highway A-623”, the Highway Service reports that it is necessary to make a provisional cut of the connection between the roads A-623 and A-2620 through the Goikoetxe District of
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Aldaketak Bilbo-Gasteiz eta Leioa(EHU)-Gasteiz lineetan San Silvestre Lasterketa dela eta
San Silvestre lasterketa dela eta, Bilbo-Gasteiz linearen ordutegiak 16:00 eta 17:00 izango dira. Leioa (EHU)-Gasteiz linean ordutegia 15:55 izango da. Bakarrik Lakuan gelditzen da, ez dira egongo geralekuak ez epaitegietan ez unibertsitatean.
Gaurko ordutegiak, abenduaren 31, Gasteiz-Bilbo eta Gasteiz-Gallarta lineetan
Gaurko ordutegiak Gasteiz-Bilbo linean: 17:15, 17:45, 18:00. Gasteiz-Gallarta linean: 17:00 eta 18:00 Ez diraa egongo geltokirik ez unibertsitatean ezta epaitegietan.
Anulada la parada de Bidezabal en la línea Getxo-Vitoria Vitoria-Getxo
En la Línea Getxo-Vitoria y Vitoria-Getxo queda anulada la parada de Bidezabal por cortes al tráfico desde el 26/12/2018 al 04/01/2019.